21 November 2007


...And other ramblings.

The Job hunt continues. I really don't wanna go back to "paper or plastic?" or go to "would you like fries with that?" but it may end up happing soon. Definitely not getting into sales again.

College goes well though. I have an A so far in my one lonely class but it's good for now. I'm going to try to take some more stuff next semester. Which reminds me, I've got a paper due that I should start on after this. Think I'm going to try to persuade people to learn how to defend themselves. In previous papers I've compared and contrasted female personalities by hair color and descriptively written about parties I've been at. I'm very glad my professor has a sense of humor or my current grade would be far below the passing level.

PSP proceeds well, I'm averaging about three 1-2 hour nights per week. Mostly doing the lower level stuff with my buddy Morgan. I think he's ready to move to level two as soon as he goes down to St. Cloud to see Guru Stark. With the Holidays and money situation though, timing has been difficult. I'm glad I'm having to not only work the lower level stuff but teach it, as a result I'm knocking the considerable rust from my skills. They needed it badly.

Turkey Day, my favorite holiday! I can't wait! In my family Turkey Day is approached with the level of preparation that went into Iwo Jima or D-Day. We've scaled back this year and are only doing one ham and one turkey. Oh well, Christmas is just around the corner.

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